International School of Process Chemistry (ISPROCHEM)

May 28-31, 2023
Palazzo Feltrinelli – Gargnano (BS, Italy)
ISPROCHEM – ADVANCED SCHOOL 2023 is a forum for training and discussion on topics of growing interest and specialized technologies in the field of process chemistry, in particular for the synthesis of APIs (active pharmaceutical ingredients). The school caters for both experienced industrial scientists, as well as less experienced academic participants and industrial chemists who are interested in learning how new technologies and ideas are applied in an industrial setting.
The program will cover several topics, such as biocatalysis, flow chemistry, photocatalytic reactions, high throughput experimentation (HTE), green metrics, intellectual property, GMP processes, but also a historical perspective on industrial nitration processes, a special seminar on chemical technologies of the future and a workshop on process development, safety and process crystallization.